terça-feira, 12 de março de 2013

I Feel so good today...

I Feel So Good Today
Charlie Brown Jr.

I feel so good today, I feel so good today.

Que bom olhar pro lado encontrar você
Depois de tantas chances perdidas
Quero esperar pelo amanhecer
Quero ver o sol refletindo em você

Basta eu olhar pra você
Fica tudo em evidência.

I feel so good today, I feel good today.

Corpos livres mentes perdidas,
Gente que ainda sonha com uma nova vida
Tudo é simples e calmo visto de cima
O mundo é grande, mas é só uma ilha.

Mas o que me interessa é você
Temos a nossa frequência.

That's why I love you so much oh girl I,
I can't live without your love,
Don't you never go, yeah

Tente entender
Tente me fazer entender
Quero num dia mais lindo
Estar ao seu lado.

I Feel So Good Today
Charlie Brown Jr.

I feel so good today, I feel so good today.

How good you look to the side to find
After so many missed chances
I want to wait for the dawn
I wanna see the sun reflecting on you

I just look at you
Everything is in evidence.

I feel so good today, I feel good today.

Loose bodies minds lost,
People who still dreams of a new life
Everything is simple and calm seen from above
The world is big, but it's just an island.

But what interests me is you
We have our frequency.

That's why I love you so much oh girl I
I can not live without your love,
Do not you never go, yeah

try to understand
Try to make me understand
I want a day more beautiful
Standing beside her.

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